The Welcome ceremony is when the host families and the students meet for their first time whereas the Farewell ceremony is when they leave the place. Students will be driven to their host family’s houses by their host family and starting their farm stay.
What’s expected in the Welcome ceremony
(1) First, a speech from the student representative
(2) Then, a speech from the teacher
(3) Followed by the manager of the Region/ Area (4) Finishing by introducing the host families
What’s expected in the Farewell ceremony
(1) First, a speech from the student representative
(2) Then, a speech from the teacher
(3) Followed by the manager of the Region/ Area (4) Ending the stay by taking group photos
In the ceremony
-It will be held in each of the regions where the host family will be.
-Both the Welcome ceremony and the Farewell ceremony lasts around 15mins.
-Either the student representative or the manger of the region/ area will be hosting the ceremony. -The speech will be about greetings from students, teachers and the manager of the region/area.